Gala Technology, the innovative developers behind the cloud based, secure and PCI DSS compliant payment solution, SOTpay, are celebrating yet another award victory, this time from the Call & Contact Centre Expo, which took place between 27th-28th March at ExCeL, London.
The Century Business Centre based technology organisation picked up the ‘Security Solution Of The Year 2019’ award by unanimous verdict, from the event judges, beating Semafone, PCI Pal and Syntec to the accolade. This award completes a hat-trick of recent recognition for the Gala Technology team, who have previous been presented with the ‘PCI: 2019 Award For Excellence’ in January and ‘Best Use Of Technology’ within a contact centre win at the national UKCCF awards in November 2018.
SOTpay eliminates the risk of fraud related charge-backs for businesses, by authenticating MOTO and Omni-channel Cardholder Not Present (CNP) transactions and processing the payment in a PCI compliant manner. The cloud-based technology does not require any additional hardware or amendments to existing telephony or network set up and is Acquirer and PSP agnostic, completely negating the need for capital expenditure.
Jason Mace, Chairman of Gala Technology stated ‘We are thrilled to receive this award, especially when you consider the calibre of the other finalists. Our cloud based solution offers an affordable ‘pay-as-you go’ solution to merchants and contact centre of all shapes and sizes and enables them to process secure transactions via telephony, web chat and social media platforms in a PCI DSS compliant manner.’
Event judge, John Greenwood, Director of Thought leadership at contact centre specialists, Compliance3, also commented “Gala Technology deserved this award. Their different approach to contact centre technology is both exciting for the customer management market and aligns directly with the recent guidance from the PCI Security Standards Council on promoting a no Card Data Environment approach, just as the DTMF solutions do. What was shown to be different in this award was the single deployment for multi channels (voice, chat, text and social media) and the commercial impact. Reducing fraud related charge-backs and the potential to reduce cost per transaction when Strong Customer Authentication is implemented.”
Source: Barnsley and Rotherham Chamber of Commerce