NSPCC Free safeguarding apprentices webinar

Book your place on this free session and protect young people in the workplace

Learn from the NSPCC’s safeguarding experts on how to support the young people in your workplace with their free webinar on Wednesday 12 February 2025, 2pm-3.30pm.

Apprenticeships are a great way for forward-thinking organisations to connect with ambitious young people.

Protecting new team members goes beyond making them aware of health and safety procedures or workplace hazards.

Young people are often more vulnerable to abuse, neglect and harm in their working and personal lives so it’s important to understand how to safeguard apprentices whilst at work.


12th Feb 2025, 02:00pm — 03:30pm



The Go4Growth project is being supported and fully funded out of UKSPF and the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority and Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. Having a shared purpose to create a stronger, greener, fairer South Yorkshire. Working together to unlock the potential of South Yorkshire people, businesses and places and ensure they prosper.